Tuesday, March 22, 2011

"Faithing Our Practices," Part One

I've been skipping around a bit in Brian McLaren's Finding Our Way Again, because it's taking me way too long to develop my review a chapter at a time.  So I have done a first read-through, and I will start working on some of the concepts that I find useful or challenging (generally those come out to be the same thing).

McLaren mentions an approach which has been called "practicing the presence of God" or, in a phrase which he admittedly did not invent but will surely popularize, "faithing our practices" - doing the same ordinary day-to-day things that we do, but doing them with full consciousness of God's presence in them.

Can I learn to feel God's presence when I wash dishes? (I greatly dislike washing dishes.)  Can I learn to see myself as serving God when I do things for my husband, or even for the dogs?

What about my work?  Can I learn to do the work in a God-conscious, prayerful way?

(And what was the very bad news that McLaren received, that he mentions toward the end but chooses not to specify?  Is it improper to respond with curiosity and concern to a "vaguebooking" statement like that?)

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