Friday, March 11, 2011

Noticing life

The second chapter of Brian McLaren's Finding Our Way Again is another one that I will have to re-read many times, not because it's complicated (it's not), but because in its very simplicity and directness, it reminds me of so many things that I tend to forget.

Every choice that we make changes us, even the smallest ones.  We worry about slimming our bodies when we should be thinking about developing a more "weighty" character (I particularly like that phrase).  We need to stop and notice the tiny, beautiful moments which remind us of the joy of life.  All these are obvious things that we've heard so often before, but we don't really pay attention. We need to pay attention.

As I deal with the problems and stresses of the moment, I need to remember that the essentials of life aren't the big showy things on the outside, but the journey toward peace and serenity on the inside.  Right now, at this very point in my life, is a perfect time to notice God working, and to appreciate what I see.

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