Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Guilt corrodes, love heals

I am reminded this morning that so much of what I do in the present moment is affected by my feelings of guilt about what I have done or failed to do in the past. How many friendships have I ruined because I felt guilty about failing someone, so I withdrew entirely from the friendship and made the abandonment worse? I know I'm not the only one.

It's easy to say "let go of the past and the future, celebrate the present moment," and much harder to DO it. I guess that's where prayer comes in, and good friends who show me the way.

Playing to lose is no better than playing to win. It's so much better to stop playing the game of "this happened, this will happen" and just be here now. Easy to say, tough to accomplish. I need God's grace and help on this one.

PRAYER: Dearest my Lord, guide me this morning and always to set aside my guilt and my anger against myself, and to recognize that each day is a new day, and that love is not about keeping score.

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