Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Of anniversaries, internet drama, death watches and the hope of spring

Today would have been the wedding anniversary for two of my friends, both of whose spouses were murdered before they could reach this anniversary date. Remembering the day isn't really about them any more, for me; it's about remembering how fortunate I am that I still have my husband with me, despite all predictions, and remembering that the little irritations of marriage don't really matter when one looks at the bigger picture.

A friend reports that she received a text message from our mutual friend Lois this morning, so Lois is still with us, and she tells me that she sent along my love. I keep wanting to find something more significant to say to Lois than "I love you" and "thank you" but really, there isn't anything more significant than that, is there? I just want to keep saying it, anyway. I won't know what to say to her husband either when she is gone. That same mutual friend has just reminded me that their first anniversary is coming up within a few days.

I spent most of yesterday sleeping (wasn't feeling well) and dealing with drama at an online community I moderate. I'm in the process of extricating myself from that situation. The drama is not good for me.

The sun was shining brightly this morning. It would have been a perfect day to start my new routine of walking to the nearest Catholic church for morning mass on those days when I don't have anything scheduled at 9 AM, except for the fact that I was feeling crappy yesterday and I didn't want to take a chance on going out this morning. It won't be too much longer, though, before I start doing that. I'm even hoping to borrow my housemate's stationary exercise bicycle and use that on the mornings when walking isn't an option. Will that ever really happen? Right now I think the answer is yes, it will happen. I will embrace the arrival of spring and start exercising. I won't write off that possibility because I wasn't feeling well yesterday. Yes, it's true, tomorrow really is another day.

PRAYER: Dearest my Lord, on this day when I remember those who have lost their spouses, help me to keep my gratitude always in mind and in my heart, and to appreciate and cherish what I have, before it is too late.

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