Friday, March 18, 2011

Developing an eclectic and open Christian faith

I have nicknamed myself "CatEcumen the Ecumenical Cat" because my spirituality draws from so many different faith traditions (and the number continues to grow as I read and learn).  Chapter 6 of Brian McLaren's Finding Our Way Again addresses the journey outward from the narrow exclusivity of denominations and sects, to a broader, "open source" path of faith, drawing from many different traditions.

When I read the chapter title, "Sharing Treasures Among Friends," I expected a focus on the local faith community and the importance of relationships within the local church, but that is not what this chapter was about.  The "friends" of the chapter title are different denominations and religious traditions, and the treasures are their spiritual practices.

This concept certainly resonates with me (see above), but it seems like the target audience for this chapter (and probably the whole book) would be the reader who is not yet comfortable with this concept.  In many ways, this book is written on a very basic, introductory level, and sometimes I get impatient with that.

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